Exhibit Archive

Toby Harbanuk:  <i>Infinite Visibility</i>
Image Caption

Mendenhall Aqueous Gravity, Toby Harbanuk, 2013

TitleToby Harbanuk: <i>Infinite Visibility</i>
Start Date2013-11-01
End Date2013-12-28
Full Description

Toby's day job is working as an IT professional which is helpful to know when he speaks about his artistic process, \"Photography became my medium because it blends the visual and the technical. My inner nerd is satisfied by finding limits of my gear and the equipment . . . Aerial photography adds several (more) layers of planning and calculation. After a shoot, I work in the modern equivalent of a darkroom ? manipulating images so that the viewer can see what I saw, usually from a very different vantage point than most people have experienced in Alaska.\"

\"Infinite Visibility\" presents our 21st century life amongst glaciers, the Tongass National Forest and the Inside Passage. Printed in vibrant color on square aluminum tiles arranged in a grid, the photographs are on display November 1 through December 28, 2013.