Digital Bob Archive

Douglas City Waterworks Organized

News of the Gold Camp - 10/10/1980

James Winn has bought the old Schmeig drug store property next door to the Opera house on Second Street from Mary McMahon and Antone Visalia for $2,500. He plans to move the building and enlarge the Opera House.

JANUARY 15, 1896-The Douglas City Water Works Company will hold a meeting at Kane?s Hall next Saturday at 8 p.m. to discuss ways and means of furnishing a water supply for the town. Three quarters of the capital stock of $10,000 has already been subscribed.

George Miller of the People?s Meat Market returned on the City of Topeka and at once started work on a hotel building behind Behrend?s store on Third Street.

Dr. S. C. Leonard and B. M. Behrends made the rounds of local businessmen this week collecting for the Fire Association. They took in $485 in amounts that ran from $1.20 to $40.

The Rev. Mr. Beer of Redwing, Minnesota, has been selected as rector of the Trinity Episcopal Church and will arrive soon.

B. M. Behrends is putting up a new 50 by 50 foot two story building at the rear of his store. The upper part will be a hall for the National Union and the lower part a warehouse for the store.

The Juneau Ferry & Navigation Company has expended $2,000 to alter and repair the steamer Lone Fisherman for ferry service and she will be placed on the run next week. It is felt that she will be able to cross the channel in any weather.

W. H. Kanouse of Seattle has purchased the B & M Saloon from George Butler and James Mackison.

JANUARY 22, 1896-High winds during the past week stopped all travel between Juneau and the Island.

Jack McLain and Rory McDonald have taken over the resort in the McGrath Building on Seward Street at Second and changed the name from The Juneau to the Windsor. The new place opened last night to the music of bagpipes played by messrs. Spence and Brown. A sumptious lunch was served.