Digital Bob Archive

Douglas Saw Mill Among Best Equipped in Alaska

News of the Gold Camp - 09/26/1980

JUNE 10, 1895-Wednesday evening the ladies of Douglas gave a dance at Kane?s Hall as a benefit for the sidewalk fund.

The Treadwell Company is erecting six cottages above the Chlorination works to rent to employees.

Winter and Pond, photographers have leased a building on Main Street and the end of Front and near the approach to the Carroll Wharf, where most of the steamers now land. This will be a convenient place for tourists to buy photographs and curios.

JUNE 13, 1895-The 30-stamp mill of the Juneau Mining Company is rapidly nearing completion in Silver Bow Basin. The main building is 66 by 40. The ore bin measures 18 by 66 feet. The stamps are extra heavy and were made to order in San Francisco.

Hose Company No. 1 of the Juneau Fire Department gave a social dance at McGrath?s new hall on Seward Street last Tuesday night. Ed Webster, chief of the department, led the grand march with Mrs. Blackburn as his partner. Fully 130 people attended.

Several cottages are being built along the cliff below the court house, between town and Auke village.

The water wheel at the electric light plant broke down this week but soon replaced by one brought over from Treadwell.

JUNE 20, 1895-The Douglas sawmill is one of the best equipped plants in Alaska and has a double circular saw, gang edger, a trimming and slab edger, planer and a matcher. Since it started up in March is has cut about 600,000 feet of lumber.

Hose Company No. 1 has accepted the challenge of the Hook and Ladder Company for a tug-of-war on the Fourth of July.

Operations of the Juneau Ferry & Navigation Company have been extended to include two regular trips to Sheep Creek. These trips leave Juneau at 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The fare is 50 cents each way.

A tramway is being built at the Gould & Curry mine on Sheep Creek. Frank Hammond has leased the property from Koehler and James and other owners and will run the ore in the Silver Queen mill.

JUNE 27, 1895-The York brothers have a ice house on the waterfront and are supplying the trade with Taku ice.