Digital Bob Archive
Drinking Water May Cause Illness
News of the Gold Camp - 03/18/1980
MARCH 1, 1886-The Alaska Mill & Mining Company has leased its sawmill to Neil McArthur, who is advertising for a million feet of sawlogs. The mill has a capacity of 20,000 board feet daily and will supply lumber for home building as well as for the mining company. The company recently purchased in Seattle the small steam tug Lucy and she is being brought north by Captain H. E. Morgan with a crew of three. She will be used for towing logs and other work in this vicinity.
Many people are sick in Juneau. They attribute it to the drinking water.
There is a great building and real estate boom on Douglas Island, north of the Treadwell sawmill. The place was formerly known as Edwardsville but is now called Douglas City. The townsite is being surveyed and laid out with regular lots, blocks and streets. Lots are selling at from $25 to $250.
The Yukon gold fever has broken out very strong here and several parties have left for Yukon Portage at the head of the Lynn Canal. About 40 men arrived in Juneau during February enroute to the Yukon and at least 75 more are expected during March.
MARCH 20, 1886-The Douglas Island mill has been running all its stamps for some time now and is turning out gold at the rate of $100,000 a month. Starting with an average yield of about $8 per ton, the company is now working ore that runs about $14. The company is also going into the general merchandise business at Treadwell and has put up a building 50 by 30 feet for the purpose.
Edward de Groff, our former postmaster who has been with the Northwest Trading Company at Killisnoo since he left Juneau, has now gone into the general merchandise business for himself at Sitka.
Captain J. F. Martin has purchased the little steam ferry Marion and is now giving regular service between Juneau and the island.
An engine, boiler and other machinery to run the diamond drill on the Douglas and Bear?s Nest claims, just north of the Treadwell property, have been put in position and work commenced.
APRIL 24, 1886-On the docket for the May term of the U. S. District Court at Sitka is the case of N. A. Fuller vs. R. T. Harris for title to mining claims. This case is being watched with a great deal of interest as it involves some of the oldest and richest claims at the Silver Bow Basin.