Walk or run on the indoor track where it is always warm and dry. Effective October 6, public track hours are:
Winter Track Hours
Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. & 5 – 9 p.m.
Saturday: 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. & 4:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Closed holidays
*Occasionally, the track is rented for private use and is closed to the public. Check the track schedule for the most up-to-date information. The current CBJ holiday schedule is below in the FAQs.
Track Direction: Clockwise on ODD days and Counter-clockwise on EVEN days
Frequently Asked Questions
Single-visit admission costs $5 for an adult, $3 for seniors or youth ages 7-17. Multi-use, monthly and annual passes are available. A complete list of current rates can be found here.
9 laps on the inside lane or 8.4 laps on the outside lane is equal to one mile on the track.
The track is closed on all CBJ holidays throughout the year.
Ages 2 and under may join adults on the track in a carrier or stroller at no charge. Ages 2-6 are not allowed on the track at this time.
Strollers are permitted on the track with prior permission by DPFH staff. Please be sure to bring a clean, dirt-free stroller for use.
Track Rules
- Please check in and pay at the front office before accessing the track.
- Youth under the age of 14 require adult supervision at all times.
- Gym shoes only; no street shoes allowed.
- No food, gum, seeds, etc. or sports drink – ONLY WATER allowed on track.
- No spitting or nasal blowouts.
- No bicycles, roller-skates, skateboards, etc.
- Strollers are permitted with prior permission. Do not leave child unattended at any time.
- No more than two walkers side-by-side; form single-file when necessary.
- Slower walkers/joggers use outside lane, faster joggers pass on inside lane.
- Follow track direction: counterclockwise on even days and clockwise on odd days.
Find the complete list of Dimond Park Field House rules here.