Wellness Program Information
The CBJ offers a wellness program that assists employees in making choices that support their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
The Health Yourself program provides a variety of biometric screenings, challenges, educational events, and other health activities to help our employees serve our community to the best of their ability.
Contact Information
Jess Brown
Employee Wellness Coordinator
[email protected]

- FY25 Health Yourself Screening Form to earn the $1300 discount on your health insurance premium
- Fitness Journal (20 Healthy Reward Points)
- Health Yourself Fitness Class Tracker (20 Healthy Reward points)
- Health Yourself EEOC notice– Our wellness program is designed to promote health, prevent disease, and support you in serving the public to the best of your ability. Participating is voluntary and all employee medical information is kept confidential.
- FY23 Health Yourself Annual Report
Employees that participate and meet the requirements will receive a $50.00 per pay period discount off of their health insurance premium rate for July 2025-June 2026.
View the form here: FY25 Health Yourself Screening Form
How does this form work?
- This form allows employees the opportunity to earn the discount through biometrics, preventive care visits, and Health Yourself activities.
- Employees must earn 100 points and return this form to Jess Brown by May 31st to qualify for the discount.
- If you earn over 150 points, you will be eligible for a prize drawing.
Are you ready to start earning the discount?
- The easiest place to start is with a Health Yourself blood draw- this helps us map out how you can earn all 100 points, and ensures your biometrics are completely filled out (this is a common place for error with your doctor). Doing your draw with Health Yourself is free to you. Book a blood draw appointment here.
- Watch for Jess Brown’s emails with upcoming challenges and activities.
- If you are already earning points from activities (right on!), you can print off the form and start keeping track for yourself. Jess will also keep track of your activities.
Employee Assistance Program –
The CBJ has contracted Magellan to provide employees and their families with support, resources, and information on a confidential basis—at no charge. Through this benefit employees and all household members (regardless of their benefit status) are eligible to receive on demand telephone counseling, as well as up to 5 free sessions per issue with a counselor- in person or via telehealth.
To get started…
- Give them a call at 1.800.424.4039 and get connected with the right resource or professional.
- Visit the member website at MagellanHealthcare.com and set up a new account to complete the simple onboarding process. You’ll need to enter your name, physical address and company information, as well as answer a few questions, to complete registration. You can search for a provider without logging in, but to access all services and information, you will need to have an account and sign in. Having an account also allows the member dashboard to populate with events, services and resources that pertain to your needs.
- When calling or setting up an online account, your organization is the City and Borough of Juneau
If you wish to work with a local counselor for your 5 free sessions per issue, when you call you can either ask if a specific counselor you have in mind is contracted with them, describe your situation and receive a list of recommended counselors based on the issue, or ask for the full list of contracted counselors and choose from it.
Premera Nurseline: 1800.841.8343 – This is the number for Premera’s FREE 24-hour Nurseline. If you or a loved one is not feeling well, but you’re unsure if it is an emergency, give the Nurseline a call. You will speak to a registered nurse who can provide around the clock health-care treatment recommendations for injuries or illness’s or answer questions about health-related issues..
Office Ergonomics: – Want to evaluate whether the time you spend at work is ergonomically correct? CBJ has access to a free online office ergonomic assessment. Email Jess Brown for a desk ergonomic evaluation or Daniel Blount for a field ergonomic evaluation.
Enjoy some of our amazing webinars from the past:
- Kate Williams Stone on Redesigning your relationship with food (1/19/23) View recording here, use passcode: mCq*W0ng
- Kate Williams Stone on Peaceful holiday eating (12/19/23). View recording here, use passcode: z$vJX9b9
- Liz Smith on Estate Planning (3/20/23). View recording here, use passcode: Ru?5yFey
- Kari Natwick on Balancing Blood Sugar (3/9/23). View recording here, use password: F#cu3^9p
- Joanna Goldman on the Basics of perimenopause ( 9/8/22)- basics of perimenopause and symptom relief from a nurse practitioner perspective. View recording here
- Kari Natwick on Nutrition-Related Perimenopause Symptoms (9/22/22) View recording here.
- Kari Natwick on Perimenopause Symptom Relief (10/6/22) View recording here
Upcoming Events
Financial Freedom March Challenge: March 3- 30. Cultivate a sense of freedom, confidence, and abundance with this 4- week challenge. Register here and get the challenge log here and the full appendix here. This challenge can earn employees 5-20 points.
Comprehensive Blood draws: These are available for our benefit- eligible employees at CBJ, Bartlett, and JSD admin group as well as spouses on our insurance plan. Tests include a chemistry & lipid panel, CBC and vitamin D tests. New to this year, we added on HbA1C, TSH, and ApoB tests. This bloodwork can help you catch and address health issues before they become emergent. As a bonus- when we offer them in house, they save our health plan a lot of money, while offering them completely free to you. Win-win-win! Ready to book yours? Click here. Note: you only book 2 months out, so check back later for more fall, winter, and spring dates.
Pavitts is offering us a special deal right now for our employees: they are dropping the 1 year commitment-so you can opt for month to month- and giving us 20% off the EFT rate for individual, couple, and family memberships for CBJ/BRH/JSD admin employees and their immediate families (spouses and children up to age 18). If you are interested you can ask them for a free week trial.
Recently Recorded Webinars: