Spring Cleanup
Please be advised the CBJ Public Works Streets and Fleet Division is in the process of performing Spring Clean-up operations to remove winter pea rock and debris from the roadway, clean out storm drain catch basins and sumps. More congested areas of the Borough require scheduling, coordination and the public’s assistance in order to effectively clean.
Notifications will be posted in areas that are to be cleaned with the yellow “NO PARKING” signs that are used for street maintenance operations. We will try to post these notices at least one day prior to performing the work. If you see these signs in your area, please remove your vehicle from the streets during the date and time indicated to facilitate an efficient operation. This will allow us to successfully clean necessary streets.
Heavy rains can prevent this work from being performed. So all operations are WEATHER PERMITTING. Operations will begin at 8 a.m. and continue until completion. The current schedule is as follows and will be updated weekly.
Thank you for your patience and assistance.
Check back regularly for updates.