Household Hazardous Waste
Bring your batteries, TV’s, used oil, fluorescent light tubes, paint, cleaners, and many other household hazardous waste items to the CBJ Household Hazardous Waste Facility! LED light bulbs do not contain hazardous material and can be disposed of in general trash.
Adhesives Aerosols All Purpose Cleaners Ammonia Antibacterial Products Antifreeze Arsenic Asbestos Auto Oil Batteries Brake Fluid Butane Tanks Carburetor Cleaner Chemical Chlorine Bleach Commercial Gas Cylinders Computers Contact Cement Contaminates Soil Cooking Oil Drain Cleaner Electronics Engine Degreaser Fire Extinguishers Flourescent Light Tubes Formaldehyde Fuel Filters |
Furniture Polish Garden Fungicides Gasoline Glue Halogen Light Bulbs Heating Oil Helium Tanks Jewelry Cleaner Lacquer Lead Mercury Containing Thermostats Mercury Fever Thermometers Metal Cleaners Microwaves Model Cement Moss Control Mothballs Nail Polish Nail Polish Remover Oil- Cooking, Artist, Heating, Motor Oil Filters Over Cleaner Paint – Artist Acrylic, Encaustic, Oil, Tempera, Watercolor |
Paint – Oil Based, Latex, Thinner, Stripper, Spray, Lead Based PCB Contaminated Materials Pepper Spray (OC) Pesticides Photographic Materials Propane Tanks Rubber Cement Rubber Cement Thinner Rust Remover Sharps (Medical Needles in containers) Spot Remover Spray Paint Stains Stain Remover Televisions Toilet Bowl Cleaner Toner Cartridges Transmission Fluid Varnish Weed Killer Wood Preservative |
Refrigerators Wood Tires |
Reactive Materials Including: Sodium Metal Explosives including : Blasting Caps Gun Powder |
Biological Wastes (Sharps Accepted) Radioactive Waste Contaminated Soils** |
**Soil that has come in contact with gas or oil can be taken to Bicknell Inc, 2275 Brady Lane, 789-5727. Bicknell charges a fee for disposal. The soil has to be free from plastic, garbage or other debris. ADEC requires reporting and approval prior to transport of contaminated soils in some circumstances, go to https://dec.alaska.gov/spar/ppr/spill-information/reporting/ for more information.
- Please keep products in their original containers
- Add additional containers or bags to prevent leaking
- Containers will not be returned
- Identify and label unmarked containers
- Do NOT mix any products
- Keep products away from passengers during transport
To learn more about safe needle disposal and how to dispose of prescription and over the counter medications, visit our Sharps webpage at:
CBJ Household
Hazardous Waste
Thursday – Saturday 8:00AM – 4:30PM
500lbs/Day Drop Off Limit
by appointment only
Call 780-6691 and leave a message or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
- Businesses generating 220lbs of household hazardous waste per month or less are Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG) and may use this facility. If you generate more than this amount, go to https://www.epa.gov/hazgen.
- Eligible businesses should check the list of Accepted/Not Accepted Household Hazardous Waste.
- Call 780-6691 and leave a message with business name and contact information, someone will call to set up an appointment.
- Bring hazardous waste to the facility separated by product type. It will be weighed and then the business will be charged $1.35 per pound.
- Payment is accepted by check or credit card.