Adopted Legislation

The Assembly of the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska, adopted the legislation listed below on the dates specified. Resolutions and appropriating ordinances are effective immediately; other ordinances become effective 30 days after adoption or at any later date specified in the ordinance. The titles listed in this notice may not reflect amendments made at adoption. Copies of the unsigned ordinances as they were during the Assembly meeting at which it was adopted are online at  Notices of Adoption are linked below.

List of Documents

A Resolution Amending Landing Fees and Passenger Embarking Fees at the Juneau Municipal Airport as Established by CBJ Resolution No. 205, Changing the Schedule as It Applies to Planes Weighing 20,000 Pounds or Less.
Appropriating Ordinance
2023-14(b)(AP) - An Ordinance Appropriating $34,367 to the Manager for the Airport Master Plan Capital Improvement Project; Funding Provided by Sales Tax Funds.
Appropriating Ordinance
Ordinance 2024-01(b)(Q) - An Ordinance Deappropriating $1,000,000 of General Funds and Appropriating $1,000,000 of Restricted Budget Reserves as Local Matching Funds for a United States Army Corps of Engineers Glacier Outburst Flooding General Investigation Study.