Docks & Harbors Projects
2021 - Statter Harbor Improvements Ph III(B)

Project Details
CBJ Contract #: DH20-021Contractor: Trucano Construction Co.
Consultant: PND Engineers, Inc.
Construction Cost: $4.2 million
Contact: Matthew D. Sill, P.E.
Phone: (907) 586-0398Email: [email protected]
Project Overview
The Statter Harbor Improvements Project, Phase III(B) or SHI III(B) for short is the second in 3 winter work phases to add additional tour vessel moorage and uplands transportation improvements to Statter Harbor. SHI III(B) focuses on installing new floats, utilities, a second gangway and a concrete block wall to add 850 lf of new moorage for tour operators. The expansion of Statter Harbor will help increase moorage space for all users of the harbor.
October 29, 2020 Update - Construction has begun and Trucano Construction Co. is in the process of installing concrete blocks for the new seawall. The bottom of the wall is well below sea level, requiring the Contractor to work around the low tide to install the lower portions of the block wall. This means that the Contractor may be working outside of CBJ's normal construction hours until the wall is built up enough to enable access during all tide stages. The Contractor has obtained a noise permit from CBJ to allow them to work through the night.
January 5, 2021 Update - The concrete block seawall is largely completed and the Contractor has begun assembly and installation of the new floats. Pile driving is expected to begin this week. See the January 5 Construction Bulletin below for more information.
February 17, 2021 Update - The recent cold weather and mechanical issues have delayed the pile socket drilling operations. The Contractor has received an updated noise permit that will allow them to operate 7 days a week until the drilling is complete. Drilling is expected to continue for two more weeks. See February 17 Construction Bulletin below for more information.
April 8, 2021 Update - Major construction is complete, with the work shifting to utility installation. Trucano is in the process of repairing worn out chains on the floating breakwater. See April 8 Construction Bulletin below for more information.
Associated Documents
Additional Documents
- Posting-Notice-DH20-021.pdf
- 2020-Statter-Harbor-Phase-IIIB-PLANS.pdf
- Permit-to-Operate-Heavy-Construction-Equipment.pdf
- Statter-Harbor-PhIII-Concept-7.pdf
- 20210105-Statter-IIIB-Construction-Bulletin.pdf
- 20210121-Statter-IIIB-Construction-Bulletin.pdf
- 20210217-Statter-IIIB-Construction-Bulletin.pdf
- Permit-to-Operate-Heavy-Construction-EquipmentRevised.pdf
- 20210408-Statter-IIIB-Construction-Bulletin.pdf