Fuel Docks & Private Marinas

Fuel Docks
Crowley Fuels:
(907) 586-1276
Located just south of downtown, this fuel dock offers gas, diesel 1 and 2, and lubricating oils.
Petro Marine Fuel Dock:
(907) 586-4400
Located directly across the channel from the Harris Harbor, this dock offers diesel 1 and 2, unleaded gas, and all Chevron lubricants.
Petro Marine Fuel at Auke Bay:
(907) 790-3513
Located in Statter Harbor.
Delta Western Fuel Dock at Auke Bay:
(907) 586-2800
Formerly the SEAL dock, this dock is located in Auke Bay between the State of Alaska Ferry and Four Seasons Marine Pier. Delta Western offers marine diesel, gasoline, and lubricant products.
Delta Western offers marine diesel, gasoline, and lubricant products.
Private Marinas
The marinas below offer a variety of services to boaters, but do not offer transient moorage.
Seadrome Dock:
(907) 463- 8811
Located downtown, the Seadrome provides 560′ of moorage. Potable water, 30 and 50 amp power, fuel, and shoreside services available for hire. Call ahead for reservations.
Fisherman’s Bend:
(907) 789-7312
Situated in Auke Bay, this marina offers repair services.
Donohue’s Marina (Tee Harbor):
(907) 789-7851
18 miles north of Juneau, “Tee Harbor”, as the locals call it, is a private marina. There is gas available at the dock.