CANCELLED – Voluntary water conservation measures for Lemon Creek to Tee Harbor

A resumption of cooler, wetter weather for Juneau has eased the demand on water supplied by the Salmon Creek Reservoir and Treatment Facility.   Therefore, CBJ is no longer requesting that residents voluntarily conserve water.

CBJ’s Water Treatment and Distribution teams are very grateful to all of the residents of Juneau who helped in easing our water demand during the extraordinarily hot and dry period preceding the 4th of July long weekend.  With your assistance, we were able to reverse the downward trends in our regional water supplies and keep them at suitable levels for all of us.  Thanks Juneau.

For more information, contact Chad P. Gubala at CBJ’s Water Utility Office at 907-586-0393.

Water & Sewer Utility Rates to Increase July 1

Please be aware that there will be a utility rate increase effective July 1. The City and Borough of Juneau Assembly, in August of 2019, approved increases to both the water and sewer utility rates. The 2% rate increase will go into effect July 1. Find the new rates here.

Please expect the changes to your billing statements. All Bill-Pay customers will need to update their payment amount through their banking institution in order to stay current. Following the July 1st increase, there will be subsequent 2% increases in July 2023 and July 2024.

These increases keep pace with inflationary cost increases. Revenue generated goes toward costs for operating and maintaining major water and wastewater infrastructure systems, debt financing from Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) loans, and capital projects directed at failing infrastructure or regulatory compliance. See relevant adopted ordinances and associated documents here.

June 1st, 2022|

February paper utility bills will not include return envelope

If you’re a CBJ utility customer who receives their utility bill in the mail, please note that your upcoming bill will not include a return envelope. CBJ apologizes for the inconvenience.

Payments can be made at the CBJ Cash Office, by mail, at CBJ drop boxes, or through Invoice Cloud If you’re paying by mail or drop box, please use your own envelope. Thank you.

As a reminder, CBJ Utilities offers a paperless option. If you’re interested in going paperless, sign up here.

For more information, contact Utility Billing at 907-586-0898 ext. 4201 or [email protected].




March 2nd, 2022|

Utility Advisory Board Meeting Cancellation

The upcoming Utility Advisory Board meeting on Thursday, December 9 is cancelled. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 13 at 5:15pm via Zoom Webinar or in person at the Water Utility Shop (2520 Barrett Ave.).

For more information, contact the CBJ Utilities Division at 907-586-0393.


December 3rd, 2021|