Douglas Island Wastewater Lift Station Returns to Normal Operation

CBJ crews have successfully fixed the main pump at the Douglas Island Lift Station.

The pump is back on line and providing the necessary pressure to transport wastewater from Douglas Island over the bridge to the Juneau Douglas Wastewater Treatment plant. CBJ ceased discharging wastewater to the channel around 1 p.m.

Improvements to this lift station are a high priority for the Utility and both the Douglas Island and Outer Drive Lift Stations are scheduled for complete rehabilitation—including pump replacement—in 2024.

March 9th, 2023|

CBJ Crews Responding to Douglas Island Wastewater Lift Station Malfunction

A CBJ Utility wastewater lift station located at the base of the Juneau Douglas bridge on the Douglas side is currently experiencing pump failure resulting in discharge outside the system. CBJ crews are responding.

Both the main pump and back-up pump have failed due to insufficient head pressure. As a result, the system is discharging wastewater on the beach. There are no visible solids. A second pump is en route to the site.

This lift station pumps wastewater from South Douglas homes to the Juneau Douglas treatment plant on Thane.

CBJ crews are taking active steps to resolve the issue and DEC has been notified.

March 9th, 2023|

As Cold Weather Approaches, Take These Steps to Keep Pipes From Freezing

With freezing temperatures forecast in the coming days, now is a critical time to take important preventive steps to keep your water pipes from freezing. Water pipes that are not properly insulated or maintained are at risk of freezing and/or bursting—an event that could leave you without running water as well as cause flooding and damage to your home or business.

To prevent frozen water pipes, the City and Borough of Juneau recommends the following preventive measures:

  • Leave a pencil-thin trickle of water running in the sink to keep water circulating
  • Ensure crawl space vents are closed
  • Ensure pipes are properly insulated
  • Ensure heat tapes are plugged in and functioning
  • Turn off hose bibs, disconnect any hoses, and ensure they are properly insulated

In the event that you do experience frozen pipes, contact a plumber or contractor.  CBJ does not have the ability to thaw frozen water pipes.

The Emergency Water Turn-Off contact is (907) 586-0393 Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or (907) 586-2165 after hours.

December 19th, 2022|

Keeping FOGs out of the sewer system

As we enter the holiday season, the CBJ Utility would like to remind our community about the perils of improper disposal of Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) and how easy it is to manage this waste correctly.  FOG comes from meat fats in food scraps, cooking oil, shortening, lard, butter and margarine, gravy, and food products such as mayonnaise, salad dressings, and sour cream – all of the traditional ingredients of our cherished holiday feasts.

FOG poured down kitchen drains accumulates inside sewer pipes. As the FOG builds up, it restricts the flow in the pipe and can cause untreated wastewater to back up into homes and businesses, resulting in high costs for cleanup and restoration.

FOG also causes malfunctions of septic and wastewater treatment systems, ranging in size from a single home septic system all the way up to the size of CBJ’s three main treatment plants.  So, keeping FOG out of the sewer system helps everyone in the community.

And everyone can take some simple steps at home to prevent FOG from entering our sewers:

  • Never pour fats, oils or grease into drains or flush down toilets.
  • When cooking, pour any fats, oils or grease into an empty jar. These materials solidify when cooled. Once the jar is full, secure the lid and put it in the trash.
  • Do not pour grease into your garbage disposal. Put any food scraps and disposable utensils in the trash.

The CBJ Utility thanks you for your help in keeping our community and our freshwater and marine environments clean and FOG free.  And we wish everyone a safe and joyous holiday season!



Call for Immediate Halt to Discharge of Non-Biodegradable Materials in Sewers

The CBJ wastewater treatment facility at Auke Bay has recently been inundated with a version of a disposable industrial mop head (see photos) that is clogging the facility and interfering with the wastewater treatment process.  The CBJ Utilities Division asks that those responsible for discharging this and similar non-biodegradable materials to our sewer system halt this practice immediately and dispose of these materials properly as solid wastes.

Photo of mop head extracted from wastewater    Photo of mop head clogging wastewater processing equipment

Discharges of this type of material or any substance into the CBJ sewers that interferes with the sewer or treatment system directly threatens our waterways and marine life and is legally prohibited as per CBJ’s sewer code (75.02.080 (a)).

Please direct any questions or comments regarding this matter to the CBJ Utilities Division at (907) 586-0393.

November 16th, 2022|