Treadwell Arena Rules
1. Youth 10 & under must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
2. No sticks, pucks or balls allowed outside of the ice surface.
3. No one is allowed on the ice while the resurfacer is in operation. Zamboni doors must be closed before anyone is permitted onto the ice surface.
4. Skates MUST be worn while on the ice.
5. Helmets and protective safety gear are strongly recommended.
6. Skaters are not allowed to carry children while on the ice.
7. Hockey sticks and pucks are not allowed on the ice during open skates.
8. No horseplay while on the ice – tag, chain skating, throwing snowballs, racing, weaving through skaters and intentionally sliding.
9. Center ice, inside the blue circle is reserved for jumps and spins unless crowd size poses a safety issue. Skaters using center ice during open skates must exercise caution at all times.
10. No gum, eating, drinking (except H2O), chewing tobacco, or spitting is permitted on the ice surface, players benches, penalty boxes and the locker rooms.
11. In accordance with CBJ Ordinance 20.25.080(d), the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages in the Treadwell Arena is prohibited. Drug and tobacco use is not allowed on the premises.
12. Persons who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or other substances are not permitted in the arena.
13. No animals (except certified service animals) are permitted in the arena.
14. The rink is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged articles. Items will be retained for 30 days. Lost water bottles, socks, towels, and other frequently abandoned or lost items will not be retained.
15. “Pitch In” and deposit all trash in the receptacles provided. We are proud of our facility. PLEASE KEEP IT CLEAN.
As the use of an ice skating rink and all its facilities have an inherent risk, any participation is totally at the users own risk, any participation is totally at the users own risk. No responsibility is accepted or undertaken for the well being of either the user or their property. The management reserves the right, at their sole discretion, to refuse admission or remove from the premises anyone not abiding by the rules.