Mendenhall River flooding update: stay safe during clean-up
With over a week of clean-up and repair work complete, it’s easy for tasks to start feeling routine. The urge to make progress just that much faster is hard to resist. As you keep working—especially with powerful tools in hazardous environments—don’t forget to put safety first. Make sure you are comfortable with the tools you’re using, wear protective gear like masks and safety goggles, and take regular breaks to rest your senses and reset your focus.
And be on the alert for signs of health hazards that may take time to develop, such as mold—see below for resources to help you recognize mold and stay safe as you clean.
For complete and up-to-date flood recovery resources and information, visit juneau.org/manager/flood-response. For questions, email [email protected].
Stay Safe from Mold
Although mold can start growing within 24 hours after water enters your home, it often takes some time before it’s easily detectable. At the same time, mold exposure can lead to breathing problems or allergic reactions.
Be on the alert for signs of mold or symptoms of exposure, and be sure to protect yourself while you’re cleaning. Here are a few helpful resources:
- Tlingit & Haida Tribal Operations Center: Signs & symptoms of mold
- CDC: 8 tips to clean up mold
- CDC: Mold clean-up after disasters: When to use bleach
- CDC: Shopping list for cleaning mold in your home after a flood
- CDC: What to wear before entering a home or building with mold damage
If you are need a fan or dehumidifier, reach out through the form at bit.ly/juneau-flood.
Salvation Army Canteen Closes 8/16—Meal Support Still Available
The Salvation Army canteen at Melvin Park will conclude operations at the end of the day Friday, August 16. After the canteen closes, the Salvation Army will continue to provide meals to residents on an individual basis. If you are in need of meal support, please email [email protected].
Share Clean-Up Thanks and Stories at #JuneauSharesTheDirt
It’s been inspiring and moving to see the many ways Juneau has come together to support those affected by flooding. Nowhere is that more evident than among the many friends, family, and volunteers who have gotten their hands dirty (literally) to help their neighbors clean up and muck out.
If there’s a moment that meant a lot to you, or a friend or helper you want to recognize, share your story on social media with the hashtag #JuneauSharesTheDirt. Juneau is a special community—let’s take a moment to recognize the ways we show up for each other.