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Mendenhall River Flood Event Update (3 PM 8/7)

August 7, 2023 – News

Yesterday, August 6, the City and Borough of Juneau issued a local declaration of emergency following the August 5 Mendenhall River flood event. Water levels have now returned to normal and response efforts are underway. CBJ has stood up an emergency operations center and is coordinating with state and federal officials.

CBJ has completed an initial assessment of structures damaged by flooding and bank erosion and posted signage to buildings that were determined not safe to occupy. A total of eight structures were condemned, including two single-family dwellings (one containing an apartment) which are likely a complete loss and several others that were significantly impacted and may be lost.

The Mendenhall River banks remain highly unstable. Members of the public are strongly advised to stay away from the river to ensure safety and avoid obstructing response efforts.

The CBJ Community Development Department has authorized emergency bank stabilization to protect immediate threats to property and safety. CBJ asks that the department be notified of any work being done as soon as possible and CDD staff will handle the permitting process alongside the stabilization work. The US Army Corps of Engineers has informed CBJ that homeowners that have incurred property damage due to this event may proceed with work to stop further erosion without prior notification to USACE. Please note that photo documentation is critical as you proceed with this work.

CBJ has communicated with all residents impacted by evacuation orders to confirm they have shelter options available. If you are in need of shelter due to the flood event, please contact [email protected] or fill out the contact form located at juneau.org/manager/flood-response.

Impacted residents should contact (907) 586-0600 if urgent assistance is needed from JPD dispatch. For questions about resources and long-term response needs, please email [email protected] or fill out the contact form at juneau.org/manager/flood-response.

Important flood response information is available at CBJ Flood Response, accessible from the juneau.org home page, and will be updated on a regular basis.

This is an evolving situation and more information will be released as it is available.