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Juneau’s 14-day COVID-19 recap: Dec. 14 – Dec. 27

December 29, 2020 – News

Over the 14-day period from December 14 to December 27, there were 59 people in Juneau who tested positive for COVID-19 (that’s up slightly from 58 during the previous two weeks):

  • There was no reported case activity associated with a cluster.
  • Public Health attributed 47.5 percent of cases to secondary transmission, 20 percent to community spread, 17 percent to out-of-state travel, and 15 percent of the cases remain under investigation.
  • 90 percent of cases were contacted within 24 hours of a positive test being returned.
  • Disease spread is across all age groups, most racial groups, and is slightly more prevalent in males than females (58 percent/42 percent)

The disease is moving via all disease acquisition types: secondary transmission, travel, and community spread. Cases related to out-of-state travel remain elevated. Residents must take appropriate cautions, including limiting social bubbles to immediate household members and strictly adhering to all health orders related to travel.