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Juneau Assembly passes Hunker Down resolution

March 24, 2020 – News

The Juneau Assembly adopted a resolution last night mandating people in the City and Borough of Juneau to hunker down. The Assembly’s intent is that “All People in the City and Borough of Juneau shall stay home as much as possible.”

Starting at 5 p.m. today, March 24, all Juneau residents are required to stay at home as much as possible, except to:

On the limited occasions when individuals leave home, they should maintain social distancing of at least six feet from any person outside their household whenever possible.

Individuals are also encouraged to:

  • practice recommended hygiene, including regular hand washing
  • monitor for symptoms
  • refrain from visiting residences or participating in gatherings
  • stay home when sick
  • quarantine if possibly exposed to the coronavirus
  • eliminate nonessential travel and trips to public places.

Read the full resolution here. The resolution will remain in effect for fourteen days and automatically expires at 10 p.m. on April 7, 2020.

For more local news, information, and resources to help keep Juneau safe and healthy, go to juneau.org/covid-19.