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CBJ reports 11 new COVID-19 cases in Juneau for August 6

August 6, 2021 – News

The City and Borough of Juneau Emergency Operations Center reports 11 new Juneau residents identified with COVID-19 for August 6. Two of the 11 new cases are currently isolating outside of Juneau. Public Health attributes seven cases to secondary transmission, one to community spread, one to out-of-state travel, and two are under investigation. All seven cases associated with a local restaurant have recovered and Public Health considers that cluster closed.

Of the 11 Juneau residents identified with COVID-19 reported yesterday, seven are currently isolating outside of Juneau.

Cumulatively, Juneau has had 1,624 residents test positive for COVID-19 and 206 nonresidents. There are 63 active cases in Juneau and 1,762 individuals have recovered. All individuals with active cases of COVID-19 are in isolation. There are currently two people with COVID-19 hospitalized at Bartlett Regional Hospital.

Statewide, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services reports 327 new people identified with COVID-19 – 309 are residents and 18 are nonresidents. Alaska has had 74,244 cumulative resident cases of COVID-19 and a total of 3,342 nonresidents.