Assembly to interview three finalists for City Attorney position
Following a nationwide search, the City and Borough of Juneau Assembly has narrowed the pool of candidates for the City Attorney position to three finalists. They will complete an assessment exercise and interview with the Assembly on July 24 and 25, 2024.
The finalists are (in alphabetical order):
Rebecca Convery (see resume)
Ms. Convery is currently employed as Associate Deputy General Counsel for the United States Army Office of General Counsel in Washington, DC. Her previous employment includes working as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Alaska and as a City or County Attorney for communities in Montana. Ms. Convery has a JD from the University of Montana School of Law and an LLM from the University of Florida Levin College of Law. After graduating law school, she served as a Law Clerk for Justice John Warner of the Montana Supreme Court.
Megan Costello (see resume)
Ms. Costello is currently an Owner/Attorney for the Foghorn Law Office in Douglas, where she represents cities across Southeast Alaska in addition to providing other legal services. Her prior legal experience includes working for the City and Borough of Juneau as an Assistant Municipal Attorney, where she served as the Chief Legal Officer at Bartlett Regional Hospital. Ms. Costello received her JD from Lewis and Clark Law School and served as a Judicial Clerk for the Dillingham Superior Court after graduation from law school. Ms. Costello grew up in Kodiak and has lived in Juneau since 2013.
Emily Wright (see resume)
Ms. Wright is currently employed as an Assistant Municipal Attorney for the City and Borough of Juneau. Her prior experience includes working for the Alaska Court System and the State of Alaska, Departments of Law and Administration. Ms. Wright has a MA in Teaching from the University of Alaska Southeast and a JD from the University of Colorado Law School. She served as a Law Clerk for the Denver District Court after law school. Ms. Wright has lived in Juneau most recently since 2011.
Members of the local bar, members of CBJ boards and commissions that work with the City Attorney, and the general public are invited to two different events that are part of the Assembly’s selection process and will be able to submit comment cards that will be reviewed by the Assembly.
Wednesday, July 24, 5:15 p.m. – City Attorney finalists will participate in assessment exercises with the Assembly in the City Hall Assembly Chambers. The event will also be streamed over Zoom at juneau.zoom.us/j/87388927735. The exercises should be completed by approximately 6:15 p.m.
Thursday, July 25, 5:15 p.m. – Special Assembly meeting to interview City Attorney finalists, including portions of each interview in Executive Session. Interviews will take place in the City Hall Assembly Chambers and be streamed over Zoom at juneau.zoom.us/j/85125938847 (dial-in info).
There will be three interviews, each starting in open public session, at 5:15 p.m., 6:30 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. Approximately halfway through each interview, the Assembly will recess into Executive Session for the remainder of the interviews. The Assembly will then return into open session for the next interview. Following all interviews, they may recess into Executive Session for deliberations. There will be a break of approximately 15 minutes in between each interview to allow for room/in-person transitions.