Applications open for statewide tourism & business relief program
Applications are now open for a new statewide tourism and business relief program – the AK-ARPA Business Relief Program. ARPA stands for the federal American Rescue Plan Act. Apply now through 8 a.m. on October 19. Find the application, eligibility requirements, and more information at commerce.alaska.gov/web/AK-ARPABusinessReliefProgram.
Unlike the AK CARES program, the AK-ARPA grants will not be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Eligible businesses have a month-long window to apply, and grants will be issued based on the demonstrated need. Grants will not be awarded until the end of the application period and after all applications have been reviewed. Grant funding from all local, state, and federal grant funding received in 2020 and 2021 will be added to the 2020 income for calculation (such as PPP, EIDL if forgiven, AK CARES, local COVID-related grants, etc.).
The Juneau Economic Development Council (JEDC) is the administrator for the AK-ARPA Business Relief Program. For assistance with your application, contact JEDC’s AK-ARPA hotline at (907) 917-3720 or email [email protected].