CBJ Policies & Procedures

 Title #
Personnel Rules
Drug-Free Workplace
Violence in the Workplace02-03
Delegation of City Manager's Authority to Decide Employee Benefit Issues and Appeals05-02R
Energy Conservation and Efficiency Policy05-04
Insurance Coverage Options for Employees on Leave without Pay05-06
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy06-01
Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act06-03
Vehicle Reimbursement Policy06-05
Notary Policy06-06
Condolence upon the Death of an Employee or Family Member08-02R
Transitional Duty Program Policy09-01
Requirements for Coverage by CBJ Property/Liability Insurance Program09-02
Elimination of Admin Policy 07-02 Police Officer & Public Safety Dispatcher Referral Bonus Policy09-03
No Idling Policy12-01
CBJ Surplus Property Policy14-02R
CBJ Tree Policy14-03R
Information and Communication Technology Policy14-04
Social Media Usage for CBJ Employees14-05
CBJ Website Policy15-01
Cellular Devices Policy15-02
Prohibition on Lobbying16-01
Media Response Policy for CBJ Employees16-03
Workplace Recycling Centers17-01
Travel and Training Policy & Procedure18-01R
Family Medical Leave19-01
Drug and Alcohol Policy and Drug and Alcohol Testing Procedures19-02R
Employee Recognition Program20-01
Working Away From the Worksite22-01
Infants in the Workplace Policy23-01
Harassment Prohibited23-02
Severe Weather Conditions23-03
Pre-Employment Drug Testing for Juneau Police Department Employees24-01
Community Service Leave for Emergency Flood Response25-01
Dress Code97-03
Restriction on Smoking in City Facilities and Vehicles98-01
Employment of Individuals with Disabilities98-02
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