Emergency Shelter:
An emergency shelter is a temporary place to live when a person can no longer live in the place they were. The Glory Hall is our adult emergency shelter. Victims of domestic violence are sheltered through AWARE, and the City and Borough of Juneau operates an emergency cold weather shelter when the temperature is below freezing.
Transitional Housing:
Transitional housing is temporary housing used while transitioning residents to permanent housing. AWARE and Saint Vincent de Paul provide transitional housing. Gastineau Human Services provides transitional housing for those re-entering after incarceration and JAMHI provides transitional housing for those experiencing mental health challenges.
Rapid Re-Housing (RRH):
Rapid re-housing provides short-term rental assistance and services. The goals are to help people obtain housing quickly, increase self- sufficiency, and stay housed. It is offered without preconditions (such as employment, income, absence of criminal record, or sobriety) and the resources and services provided are typically tailored to the needs of the person.
Rapid re-housing is a primary solution for ending homelessness. It has been demonstrated to be effective in getting people experiencing homelessness into permanent housing and keeping them there. By connecting people with a home, they are in a better position to address other challenges that may have led to their homelessness, such as obtaining employment or addressing substance abuse issues. The intervention has also been effective for people traditionally perceived to be more difficult to serve, including people with limited or no income and survivors of domestic violence.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH):
Long-term affordable housing is combined with supportive services such as mental or physical health treatment, meal preparation, transportation to and from appointments, and other services for those experiencing homelessness. It targets people with chronic illness, disabilities, mental health issues, or substance use disorders who have experienced long-term homelessness. Permanent Supportive Housing reduces the societal costs of handling those experiencing homelessness, such as emergency room visits, sleep-off visits, or police calls. Juneau’s Forget-me-not Manor provides permanent supportive housing for people experiencing alcohol addiction. To possibly qualify for this housing, individuals should contact a Navigator and ask for a vulnerability assessment.
- Forget-Me-Not Manor
Permanent Affordable Housing:
Permanent affordable housing are units that are affordable to people whose income is below the median. Affordable housing can cost up to 30% of an individual’s income. Some of Juneau’s affordable housing options can be found here.
- Alaska Housing Development: (907) 780-6666 – Gruening Park, Ravenwood, Eaglewood
- Alaska Housing Finance Corporation: (907) 586-3750 – Riverbend, Mountain View Senior Center, Cedar Park, Geneva Woods
- Alaska Preservation Channel Limited Partnership: (907) 419-4760 – Channel Terrace
- Chinook Apartments/Coho Apartments: (07) 789-1921
- Orca Point: (907) 364-3130
- Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority: (907) 780-6868 – Fireweed Place
- Saint Vincent de Paul: (907) 789-5535 – Channel View, Paul’s Place, Smith Hall (senior housing) and Strasbaugh
- Sleepy Spruce (907) 586-6920, and Trillium (senior housing) (907) 523-0398
- Volunteers of America: (907) 523-5665 – Terraces at Lawson Creek