Juneau’s Coordinated Entry System

Coordinated Entry provides the quickest access to the most appropriate housing to every household experiencing or at-risk of homelessness through a standardized assessment and referral process. An effective Coordinated Entry process is a critical component to any community’s efforts to meet the goals of Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness.

In a Coordinated Entry System (CES) each entry or access point uses the same assessment tool and makes program referrals based on a comprehensive understanding of each program’s specific requirements, target population, and available beds and services. The CES strives to obtain maximum efficiency of available resources in order to provide clients with the right assistance at the right time.

Juneau’s CES works collaboratively to unite clients with housing and service providers, to improve data collection and quality, and to utilize a data driven approach in making decisions toward ending homelessness in Juneau.