Winter snow removal tips and guidelines from CBJ Streets
With heavy snow in the streets, CBJ Streets & Fleet Maintenance would like to share some information and reminders about winter snow removal in Juneau.
CBJ Streets crews maintain over 250 lane miles of roads, using 6 motor graders, 4 loaders, 6 sand trucks, and 13 plow trucks. Each winter, more than 3,000 tons of sand are applied to ensure the safety of emergency vehicles, the traveling public, Capital Transit, and school buses.
Heavy snowfall brings challenges to both snow removal crews and property owners alike. We appreciate the work that you are doing to keep your home accessible, as well as your understanding of what our crews are able to accomplish.
Snow removal priorities: Crews clear the streets in order of the following priorities
- Clear access for emergency vehicles, public transit, commercial routes, and high-traffic streets
- Residential areas
- Low-traffic areas, including dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs
Snow berms: Operators make every effort to minimize snow accumulation on private property. However, berms and windrows are unavoidable. Crews do not clear snow—including berms—from driveways.
Sidewalks and driveways: Property owners, landlords, and tenants are responsible for clearing snow and ice from sidewalks and driveways. Snow or ice may not be placed on any sidewalk, street, roadway, or parking area (CBJ 72.24.075).
Garbage cans: Keep garbage cans clear! Please place garbage cans at least five feet from the edge of the street to prevent them from being damaged during snow removal.
For more detailed information about snow removal on CBJ-owned streets, please visit juneau.org/engineering-public-works/streets/winter-snow-removal.
For information about snow removal priorities on DOT highways, please visit dot.alaska.gov/stwdmno/wintermap.