Reminder: Rate changes went into effect January 1
Please be aware that a water and sewer rate increase went into effect January 1, 2020. The City & Borough of Juneau Assembly in August approved increases to both the water and sewer utility rates. The 4 percent rate increase went into effect January 1. Find the new rates here. Simultaneously, the household hazardous waste fee will be removed from utility bills.
Please expect the changes to your billing statements. All Bill-Pay customers will need to update their accounts to reflect the new rates in order to stay current.
Following the January 1, 2020 increase, there will be subsequent 2 percent increases to water and sewer fees in July 2021, July 2022, July 2023, and July 2024. These increases keep pace with inflationary cost increases. Revenue generated goes toward costs for operating and maintaining major water and wastewater infrastructure systems, debt financing from Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation loans, and capital projects directed at failing infrastructure or regulatory compliance. For a copy of adopted ordinances and associated documents, please click here.
Different classes of rate payers will see different net results, but, generally, the reduction in the household hazardous waste fee offsets the water and sewer rate increases.
For more information, contact:
Utility Rates – Utility Office at 586-0898
Household Hazardous Waste – [email protected]