Reminder: no witness signature required to vote in CBJ municipal election
With multiple elections taking place this fall, it’s easy to get confused about different dates and requirements. Remember that you can always check the CBJ Elections website at to find accurate information about when, where, and how to vote in the October 1, 2024 CBJ Regular Municipal Election.
A witness signature is not required to vote in CBJ municipal elections. Voters only need to provide their own signature and a personal identifier. Carefully read the instructions on your ballot return envelope or check the Notice of Election for a complete description of how to certify and return your ballot.
You may remember providing a witness signature in the past. Although witness signatures were originally part of CBJ’s vote by mail process, that requirement was removed from the code in 2021. You can read or search the complete elections code online at
For questions about CBJ elections, please contact the Municipal Clerk’s Office at [email protected] or (907) 586-5278, option 4.