November 18 Assembly meeting agenda includes flood zone LID, REPL liquor licenses
The Regular Assembly Meeting on Monday, November 18, will include discussion of two items the community has expressed special interest in: a possible Local Improvement District (LID) for the proposed HESCO barrier flood mitigation project, and a request for the State to issue additional restaurant/eating place licenses for Juneau.
The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in person in the City Hall Assembly Chambers and remotely via Zoom. It will also be livestreamed on CBJ’s YouTube channel at bit.ly/cbjstream.
Zoom link: https://juneau.zoom.us/j/91515424903
Dial-in: 1-253-215-8782
Webinar ID: 915 1542 4903
Find the full agenda packet at https://juneau-ak.municodemeetings.com/bc-assembly/page/regular-assembly-meeting-2024-25.
The LID is agenda item D-4: Introduction of Ordinance 2024-40 An Ordinance Creating a Local Improvement District No. 210 HESCO Barrier Project Phase 1 and Appropriating the Sum of up to $7,580,000.
This item is on the agenda as a special order of business. The proposed ordinance will be presented before the Assembly, who will choose whether or not to take further action. If the Assembly chooses to pursue the ordinance, a full public process will begin and public hearings will be scheduled in (likely) December and February.
REPL licenses are agenda item M-17: Resolution 3051: A Resolution Petitioning the Alaska State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to Issue up to 20 Additional Restaurant or Eating Place Licenses within the City and Borough of Juneau Under Alaska Statute 04.11.405.
This is ordinance is on the agenda for public testimony and Assembly action. You can provide testimony during the meeting by attending in person or by contacting the Clerkâs Office at 907-586-5278 by 4 p.m. Monday to testify over Zoom. You can also submit your comments in writing to [email protected].
For the complete CBJ public meeting calendar, see juneau.org/calendar.