Masks required in CBJ facilities
Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in Juneau and around the state, the City and Borough of Juneau Emergency Operations Center is requiring all individuals – vaccinated and unvaccinated – to wear masks in CBJ facilities. That includes City Hall, Augustus Brown Pool, Dimond Park Aquatic Center, Downtown Public Library, Mendenhall Valley Public Library, Douglas Public Library, Juneau-Douglas City Museum, and Zach Gordon Youth Center. Masking is required in these facilities effective immediately.
These locations are in addition to the CBJ facilities and services that have already been requiring masks – on Capital Transit/CAPITAK AKcess, in the Juneau International Airport, Juneau School District facilities, and Bartlett Regional Hospital.
The EOC also encourages everyone – vaccinated and unvaccinated – to wear a mask in other indoor public areas, like grocery stores, restaurants and bars when you’re not actively eating and drinking, gyms, and other indoor spaces where people are gathered. In addition, keep your social bubbles small to curb disease spread and make contact tracing more effective. Socialize outdoors with good social distancing if possible.
The EOC continues to recommend testing, which remains an important tool in slowing the spread of COVID-19:
- For vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, if you’re feeling even mildly ill with new symptoms like fatigue, chills, cough, fever, or decreased sense of taste or smell, contact your health care provider or call Juneau’s COVID-19 Screening Hotline at 586-6000 daily, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to schedule a free COVID-19 test at CBJ’s Drive-Thru testing facility. You can also register online here.
- Unvaccinated individuals who’ve traveled within state – particularly to Sitka, Anchorage, or Kenai Peninsula – are asked to take a COVID-19 test upon arrival at the Juneau airport.
For more information, contact the City Manager’s Office at 586-5240 or email [email protected].