For vaxxed & unvaxxed, if you’re feeling ill, get tested for COVID-19
COVID-19 testing remains an important tool in slowing the spread of COVID-19. If you’re feeling even mildly ill with new symptoms like fatigue, chills, cough, fever, or decreased sense of taste or smell, contact your health care provider or call Juneau’s COVID-19 Screening Hotline at 586-6000 daily, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to schedule a free COVID-19 test at CBJ’s Drive-Thru testing facility. You can also register online here. Getting tested if you’re feeling ill is recommended for everyone – vaccinated and unvaccinated.
CBJ’s Drive-Thru testing facility is located at Hagevig Fire Training Center on 2601 Sherwood Lane. Tests are processed at Bartlett Regional Hospital and results are expected within 24 hours.
Please note: The online registration system will only allow you to pick a date for the test. After you complete the form, a COVID-19 Hotline staff member will call you to confirm a time. You can find the online registration link on the bottom of