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Juneau’s community risk level lowers to Minimal

February 28, 2022 – News

The City and Borough of Juneau Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is reducing the overall community risk to Level 1 Minimal. At Minimal, wearing a mask is recommended in indoor public areas – particularly for those who are immunocompromised or live with people at high risk for severe illness – but there is no masking requirement. For now, masking remains required in CBJ facilities while internal policies are under review; a modification to this requirement is expected later this week.

Exemption requests for large indoor gatherings are not required at Minimal. Event planners are welcome to contact the EOC regarding COVID best practices by emailing [email protected].

Read CBJ’s COVID-19 Risk Metrics and Mitigation Strategies here for more details. Free COVID self-tests and KN95 masks are widely available throughout the community. High quality masks, like KN95s, are effective at protecting you.

The change in community risk level is due to improving risk indicators across the board, including a declining number of COVID-19 cases in Juneau, stable hospital capacity, high community vaccination rates, and the availability of high quality masks, tests, and therapeutics to prevent and treat COVID-19. This change puts CBJ in line with new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to CDC, Juneau is at a Medium COVID-19 Community Level. At this level, CDC recommends:

For more information, contact CBJ Emergency Operations Center Incident Commander and Deputy City Manager Robert Barr at 907-586-5240 or [email protected], or email [email protected].