Juneau Pools resumes swim lessons at Dimond Park Aquatic Center
Juneau Pools is offering swim lessons for ages 3 – 12 this spring at Dimond Park Aquatic Center. Online registration for the first spring session of swim lessons opens Tuesday, March 29 at 8 a.m. here (under Juneau Pools). The session costs $48 per participant.
The session will consist of six 30-minute classes every Tuesday and Thursday for three weeks, April 5 – 21. Lessons will occur sometime during 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. for youth level classes (ages 5-12) and 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. for preschool level classes (ages 3-5).
If you’re interested in registering your child and do not already have an account on Parks & Recreation’s online registration system, you’re encouraged to set one up ahead of March 29. The sessions are anticipated to fill up quickly. Juneau Pools will not be accepting registration for swim lessons over the phone.
Preschool and youth sessions at Augustus Brown Swimming Pool will resume when repairs to the recreation pool are complete sometime this spring.
For more information, contact Juneau Pools at 907-586-0839 or [email protected].