Join Juneau Pools for Augustus G. Brown ribbon-cutting ceremony on March 1
A ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the reopening of Augustus G. Brown Swimming Pool will take place on Friday, March 1 at 2 p.m. and is open to all in the community.
Following an 11-month closure for major renovations, AGB Pool is ready to welcome swimmers back into the water. Improvements include a resurfaced leisure pool, remodeled locker rooms, new plumbing and aquatic systems, a new boiler, and numerous other renovations large and small to make AGB more accessible, energy-efficient and user-friendly for a new era of Juneau swimmers.
The ceremony will feature a few words from Juneau Mayor Beth Weldon, Parks & Recreation Director George Schaaf and Aquatics Manager Terra Patterson, and Goldbelt Heritage will perform a cleansing ceremony. After the ceremony, the public can tour the facility to see the improvements.
A soft opening of the pool on limited hours is planned for the week of March 4, to be followed by a grand reopening and community free swim on March 9. Stay tuned for more information in the coming days.
Please be aware that AGB has limited parking and visitors should use the on-street parking adjacent to the pool if the parking lot is full.
For more information, RSVP to the Facebook event or visit juneaupools.org.