It’s Public Service Recognition Week
Every year since 1985, the first full week of May is set aside to honor the innovative and dedicated people who work as federal, state, and local government employees. Happy Public Service Recognition Week. As Alaska’s Capital City, many people in the community have dedicated their lives to public service. At CBJ, employees work every day to make a difference in the lives of local residents.
Recently, that’s taken on a whole new meaning – many CBJ employees have been reassigned during this COVID-19 pandemic, including a large number of Parks & Recreation staff:
- 3 Zach Gordon Youth Center employees reassigned to Food Task Force
- 3 ZGYC employees reassigned to Community Collaboration Task Force
- 1 Aquatics employee reassigned to Airport Screening Task Force
- 7 employees from Park Maintenance, Facilities, Parks & Recreation Main Office, and Treadwell helping stand up Centennial Hall as quarantine/isolation facility
- 1 Aquatics and 2 Recreation employees reassigned to Public Information Office
- 4 Custodians from Juneau Pools and Treadwell Arena reassigned to clean Capital Transit buses
- 2 Jesuit Volunteers from ZGYC are driving for Meals on Wheels
- 2 Zach Gordon Youth Center employees reassigned to Park Maintenance
- 1 Building Maintenance employee reassigned to Parks & Recreation Main Office
- 4 Treadwell Arena employees reassigned to Park Maintenance to help with clean up
Thank you to these staff members and others throughout the CBJ organization who continue to serve the public, no matter the role, especially to those who are helping with the COVID-19 response and keeping the community safe.