Free pop-up COVID-19 testing clinics every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
The City and Borough of Juneau Emergency Operations Center is holding pop-up COVID-19 testing clinics every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (please note the start dates below). These testing opportunities are available to the general public. No appointment is required:
- Monday, 5 to 7 p.m. at Glacier Valley Elementary School, 3400 Tongass Blvd. (ongoing)
- Tuesday, 3 to 5 p.m. at 20th Century Theatre, 222 Front St. (Starting Sept. 21)
- Wednesday, 5 to 7 p.m. at Dzantik’i Heeni Middle School, 1600 Renninger St. (Starting Sept. 15)
- Thursday, 3 to 5 p.m. at 20th Century Theatre, 222 Front St. (ongoing)
Please note: Testing clinics happening at the schools are conducted outside of school hours.
COVID-19 testing remains an important tool in slowing the spread of COVID-19. Get tested at these pop-up clinics if:
- You’re feeling even mildly ill with new symptoms like fatigue, chills, cough, fever, or decreased sense of taste or smell
- You have a known exposure to a COVID-positive individual, even if you’re currently asymptomatic
- Your worksite requires regular COVID-19 testing
- You work in a bar or restaurant, or other job where you regularly interact with public who are unmasked
If you need COVID-19 testing and can’t make it to a pop-up clinic, contact your health provider, register online here (or at bit.ly/registerCOVIDtest) to test at the CBJ’s drive-thru testing facility, or utilize another testing option in Juneau.