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February 3 Assembly meeting includes final LID public hearing

January 31, 2025 – News

The Regular Assembly Meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. on Monday, February 3, in the City Hall Assembly Chambers will include a public hearing on the proposed ordinance to establish an LID for the HESCO barrier flood mitigation project.

For those living in the LID area, please be aware that the end of this hearing is the final deadline to object to the proposed LID and all objections must be submitted to the Clerk’s office in writing (on paper or electronically). Even if you testify at the meeting, you will still need to submit an objection in writing for your vote to be registered.

The agenda packet is available at juneau-ak.municodemeetings.com/bc-assembly/page/regular-assembly-meeting-2025-03.

All objections received by 2 p.m. Thursday, January 30, have been included in the agenda packet (item O-22) for the Assembly to review. All objections received by email have been acknowledged via reply email. If you submitted an objection by email before 2 p.m. Thursday and have not received a reply from the Clerk’s Office, and you do not see a copy of your objection in the packet, please contact the Clerk’s Office immediately.

Additional objections received by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, February 3 will be included in a packet update published before the meeting. It will include an updated voting roster (under item O-22) and those additional objections in full (under item W, Supplemental Materials). Final information regarding all objections registered by the close of the public hearing will be published on Tuesday, February 4.

Read FAQs about the LID at bit.ly/LIDquestions.

The public is welcome to testify in person or remotely. Please be aware that testimony time will be limited by the Mayor based on the number of participants. Alternatively, you’re welcome to send your comments in writing to [email protected].

To testify in person, please sign up when you arrive at the meeting using the sign-up sheet at the back of the Assembly Chambers. Overflow space will be available on the second floor of City Hall, and those in the overflow space will be able to testify in person.

To testify remotely, please contact the CBJ Municipal Clerk’s Office at (907) 586-5278 by 4 p.m. Monday, February 3. If you do not contact the Clerk’s Office by this deadline, you will not be able to testify over Zoom.

If you wish to watch the meeting remotely but do not intend to testify, you are encouraged to use the CBJ YouTube livestream. This will help ensure that the Zoom meeting has enough capacity for all those participating, given the high degree of interest on this topic.

Zoom link: https://juneau.zoom.us/j/91515424903

Dial-in: 1-253-215-8782

Meeting ID: 915 1542 4903

To see the complete CBJ public meetings calendar, visit juneau.org/calendar.

For questions about meeting procedures or LID voting, please contact the CBJ Municipal Clerk’s Office at [email protected] or (907) 586-5278.