EPA releases Finding of No Significant Impact for municipal composting facility
The Environmental Protection Agency has released a final Finding of No Significant Impact for the $2.5 million grant awarded to CBJ for a proposed municipal composting facility.
The EPA evaluated potential environmental consequences of the project and found no significant environmental impacts are anticipated. The complete finding and all related documents are available on the EPA website.
The EPA received a number of comments from Juneau residents on its preliminary findings during the 30 day public comment period. The final finding provides responses to many of these comments.
The proposed facility, to be located at the site of the former Lemon Creek Gravel Pit at 2300 Anka Street, has been awarded $2.5 million in congressionally directed spending through Senator Lisa Murkowski’s office. This federal funding, designated solely for use on municipal-scale compost infrastructure, will allow CBJ to carry out development work (surface hardening, fencing, stormwater management measures, and installation of electricity and water lines) that will prepare the site to be able to be used for composting.
The proposed project is the first step toward increasing community capacity and capability for future solid waste management. With approximately 10-15 years remaining for Juneau’s only landfill, increased waste diversion has been identified as a community priority. By constructing a composting site within the footprint of the former gravel pit, the community will have an opportunity to divert significantly more organic waste, which makes up to 22% of the annual waste stream going to the landfill, to extend the landfill’s lifespan and convert the organic waste material into usable finished compost.
For more information about the municipal compost facility project and other solid waste topics, visit CBJ’s Solid Waste Planning webpage.