Construction to relocate part of Kaxdigoowu Héen Dei starts this week
The City and Borough of Juneau is contracting with Southeast Earthmovers to relocate a portion of the Kaxdigoowu Héen Dei (Brotherhood Bridge Trail) that has fallen into the Mendenhall River. Work starts this week and will go through mid-October, with paving scheduled to take place in the spring. The new trail will be constructed across the meadow adjacent to Brotherhood Bridge parking lot. Please obey all posted signs and detours during construction.
Fall work hours are anticipated to be 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The start of the trail, as well as the ADA sidewalk that ramps down from the parking lot to the trail, will be closed to the public and barricaded during construction. During work hours, trail users are encouraged to access Kaxdigoowu Héen Dei from alternate trailheads – at the end of River Road or from Dimond Park via the pedestrian bridge. From the Brotherhood Bridge parking lot, access the rest of the trail via Wildmeadow Lane and a gravel road at the end of the lane.
During construction, a portion of the Brotherhood Bridge parking lot may be utilized by Southeast Earthmovers for materials and equipment staging. Expect other construction-related traffic and activity on Wildmeadow Lane and the gravel road during working hours. The new, rerouted trail will be open to the public in the winter.
For more information, contact CBJ Project Manager Keri Williamson at 586-5200 or keri.williamson@juneau.org.