CBJ’s COVID-19 hotline & drive-thru testing site to operate 5 days a week starting Feb. 28
The City and Borough of Juneau’s COVID-19 hotline and drive-thru testing facility will be closed on Wednesday and Sunday starting the week of February 28. To schedule a COVID-19 molecular test and get results within 24 hours, register online or call the COVID-19 hotline at 907-586-6000 from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
CBJ’s Emergency Operation Center implemented the drive-thru testing site and the hotline in March 2020 and both have consistently been operating seven days a week. Scaling down operations to 5 days a week starting the week of February 28 is due to lower demand for testing, wider availability of rapid antigen testing, and the eventual need to shift COVID testing away from an emergency model. CBJ’s Emergency Operations Center anticipates continuing to scale back operations at its drive-thru testing site and hotline over the coming months. Ideally, COVID testing will become a standard of care at health providers or clinics that provide diagnostic testing.
Juneau’s COVID-19 drive-thru testing facility is located at the Hagevig Fire Training Center (2601 Sherwood Lane) and is operated by Capital City Fire/Rescue staff. Tests are collected at the drive-thru facility and sent to Bartlett Regional Hospital to be analyzed.
Capstone Clinic’s private COVID-19 testing site has moved to the Mendenhall Mall. Hours for this location are Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The testing site offers testing to all individuals:
- Asymptomatic individuals are welcome to test inside – enter through the main mall door to the left of NAO and immediately turn right in the foyer, then walk down a short hallway, and turn left where a big testing station floor sign is located. When in doubt, look for the Capstone Clinic signs.
- Symptomatic individuals are asked to stay in their vehicle, call 907-694-9523 option 2, and someone will come outside to administer the test.
Capstone will collect insurance information if available; no costs are passed on to the patient. Results are returned within 2-3 days.
Testing is also available at SEARHC Ethel Lund Medical Center, SEARHC Mountainside Urgent Care, Juneau Urgent & Family Care, and private providers around town.
For more information on CBJ’s COVID-19 testing site and hotline, call 907-586-6000 or email [email protected]. For more information on Capstone Clinic testing, call 907-694-9523 option 2.