CBJ still looking for art proposals for downtown signage; Jan. 24th deadline
The City and Borough of Juneau is looking for three artists to produce original art. Images of the art will be displayed on panels as part of the Downtown Wayfinding and Interpretive Elements Project. Proposals are due January 24, 2020 prior to 2 p.m.
The existing wayfinding and interpretive signs in Downtown Juneau are dated and CBJ is designing and installing a new system. The new system will include four panels, each one to measure 1 ft. by 3 ft. and have an image of the original artwork digitally printed on it. During the initial Call for Artists process, the Art Selection Committee chose one proposal, so three panels remain. The art should speak to one of three themes – Juneau, Alaska’s Capital; Aak’w Village District/Resilience of Indian Village; and Gold Mining in Juneau.
Register and read the Call For Artists for more details on proposal requirements, including the project schedule and artist compensation. Artists can also learn more during a non-mandatory pre-submittal meeting held on Tuesday, January 14th at 10 a.m. The meeting will be held in the Marine View Building 3rd floor Engineering Department conference room.
For more information, contact Contract Administrator Greg Smith at (907) 586-0873 or [email protected].