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CBJ reports five new COVID-19 cases in Juneau over the weekend and today

September 28, 2020 – News

The City and Borough of Juneau Emergency Operations Center is reporting five new Juneau residents with COVID-19. These cases came in over the weekend and today. Public Health is attributing two of the cases to community spread, two to secondary transmission, and one is under investigation.

One of the seven Juneau resident cases reported on Friday is actually a nonresident case from the mining sector.  The case count numbers have been adjusted to reflect that correction.

Cumulatively, Juneau has had 293 residents test positive for COVID-19 since March and 99 nonresidents. There are 23 active cases in Juneau and 368 individuals have recovered. All individuals with active cases of COVID-19 are in isolation. There are currently three people with COVID-19 hospitalized at Bartlett Regional Hospital.

Statewide, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services reports 117 new people with COVID-19 – 115 are residents and two are nonresidents. Alaska has had 7,597 cumulative resident cases of COVID-19 and a total of 952 nonresidents.

On Sunday, the state reported four additional deaths, bringing the total number of deaths to 56. Three of the deaths occurred recently – a male Anchorage resident in his 80s, a male Anchorage resident in his 70s, and a female Anchorage resident in her 60s. One death was identified during the CDC’s standard death certificate review – a male Anchorage resident in his 70s died in August.

For more details on COVID-19 in Juneau, go to CBJ’s COVID-19 dashboard.