CBJ offers free, asymptomatic COVID-19 testing opportunity
The City and Borough of Juneau Emergency Operations Center is offering free COVID-19 testing to individuals who may have been at risk for COVID-19 exposure but are not experiencing any symptoms. Asymptomatic testing begins Thursday, December 3, and will end Sunday, December 13 (or sooner depending on demand). You must self-register here for a test. Testing will take place at Capital City Fire/Rescue’s COVID-19 Drive-Thru testing facility located at the Hagevig Fire Training Center, 2601 Sherwood Lane.
For the purposes of this testing, you are considered at risk if you have spent more than 10 minutes unmasked in an indoor space with individuals outside your immediate household. Individuals who work in settings that involve regular contact with the general public should also get tested. Please note: A COVID-19 test reflects one moment in time and you should continue to practice COVID-19 safety protocols – wear a mask, stay 6 feet away from non-household members, and stay home if you’re sick.
How to self-register for a test:
- Go to this link and click on which day you’d like to test. Currently, the link allows you to sign up for testing times for December 3-7. More dates will be released later this week.
- After you pick a date, enter the password: Juneau
- You’ll then be able to choose a time slot and complete the registration process
- You will be required to enter your email address and phone number. This is so you can be informed of your test results.
- If you have internet connectivity issues and cannot complete your registration, please call the COVID-19 Screening Hotline at 586-6000, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Please note, hotline hours will be extended 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. December 3-13.
What you need to know:
- When you arrive at the Drive-Thru for your test, please stay in the car with window rolled up and wear a face covering.
- Tests are tightly scheduled. Please show up on time, and no more than 5 minutes early.
- This is a non-invasive self-test. You will be guided through inserting a small portion of a swab (which looks like a long Q-tip) just inside your nose and spinning for 10 seconds. This will be performed in both nostrils. This test is very gentle and should not be painful. Due to the sensitive hairs inside your nose, coughing or sneezing is considered normal.
- After testing, results are expected within 2-4 days.
For anyone experiencing any new symptoms, even mild ones, stay home and call a healthcare provider or the COVID-19 Screening Hotline to arrange testing. If you are a close contact, you should also arrange testing through your healthcare provider or the COVID-19 Screening Hotline. The COVID-19 Screening Hotline number, 586-6000, is available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Please note, hotline hours will be extended 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. December 3-13.
For more information, email [email protected].