As tour company seeks to increase trail use, Parks & Rec wants community input
A tour company has requested increased use of a Douglas trail. In order to make an informed decision, the City and Borough of Juneau wants the public to weigh in during a Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting on Dec. 5.
Alaska Canopy Adventures (ACA) currently has a CBJ commercial use permit that allows 28 people per day with a maximum of 500 people for the summer season to walk on the Treadwell Mine Historic District Trail from Savikko Park parking lot or the end of St Ann’s Street to the company’s zip line at the end of the trail. Commercial use permits for CBJ parks and trails are administered by Parks and Recreation.
ACA has requested to increase its use of the trail to a maximum of 120 people per day with a maximum of 5,000 for the summer season. The company would be eliminating its current tour operation of boating participants from the cruise ship docks to the zip line location across the channel. ACA would utilize vans or busses to access Savikko Park or the end of St Ann’s Street.
Parks & Recreation is seeking public comment on this potential increased use of the Treadwell Mine Historic District Trail at the next Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 5 at 6 p.m. in City Hall Chambers.
Members of the public are also encouraged to take a poll and provide comments on this issue at First-time users of PlaceSpeak are required to go through a short, privacy-protected registration process. Comments and poll results will be provided to PRAC in advance of the Dec. 5 meeting.
For more information, contact Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant Lauren Verrelli at 586-0423 or [email protected].