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As Suicide Basin refills, monitor conditions online

September 10, 2024 – FYI, News

Juneau residents are advised that Suicide Basin is now refilling. As of today, September 10, levels are similar to those observed in June 2024.

In 2023, the basin experienced several releases following the August flooding event. Releases at lower fill levels allow water to leave the basin with less severe impacts to the Mendenhall River area. However, if the basin continues to fill, a release could lead to another major event.

To check conditions at Suicide Basin, visit the National Weather Service’s monitoring page at weather.gov/ajk/SuicideBasin. To see maps modeling floodwater inundation levels, visit water.noaa.gov/gauges/MNDA2 (scroll down and click “Activate MNDA2 FIM Gauge”).

No matter where you live in Juneau, it’s always a good idea to be prepared for a potential emergency. Read CBJ’s Personal and Household Preparedness guidelines to learn about basic steps that can make all the difference when you need to react quickly in a stressful situation.

For the latest weather information and updates, follow the National Weather Service on Facebook and X (Twitter).

For more information about Suicide Basin and jökulhlaups (glacial outburst floods), see CBJ’s jökulhlaup FAQ.