April 20 webinar shares options for reducing carbon emissions of food & waste
The Juneau Commission on Sustainability and AARP Alaska present “Grub and Garbage: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Food and Waste.” The webinar is happening Wednesday, April 20 at 6 – 7:30 p.m. and will broadcast via Zoom and AARP Alaska’s Facebook page. For Zoom, register for the webinar here.
What we eat and how we throw things away matter greatly to personal health and the health of the planet. This session examines ways that food and waste systems can help us reduce our carbon footprints and build resiliency. Webinar speakers will share both practical tips and visionary pathways for how Juneau can turn our food and waste systems into climate change solutions. From community gardens to recycling and composting, you’ll leave better understanding how our food and waste systems are part of the solution. Currently, land use and agricultural practices, waste systems, and the industrial food system generate significant greenhouse gas emissions.
“If we focus on a circular economy and local food security, we can bring economic and health benefits to the community while doing our part to reduce carbon emissions,” says Juneau Commission on Sustainability member Colin Peacock. “Local folks are engaged in important work to get us on that path, and we are excited to share these solutions with the broader community.”
This webinar session is the fourth in a five-part series, “Reducing Our Carbon Footprint.” The series runs every other Wednesday through May 4. Join the April 20 webinar via Facebook Live at www.facebook.com/aarpak or register for the Zoom at states.aarp.org/alaska/reducing-our-carbon-footprint. Recordings of the previous session are also available.
The final session is:
Wednesday, May 4, 6 – 7:30 p.m. – Building Resiliency: Health and Climate Change
In our rapidly changing world, some are struggling with how to maintain grounded and hopeful. This session focuses on recent research confirming that climate change is impacting our mental health, including a greater risk of depression and even suicide. There are many self-help, therapist backed tips to help us become resilient in the face of changes accompanying changes in climate. This session will provide tools for reducing anxiety.