The Eaglecrest Board of Directors will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, December 5 at 5:30 p.m. in person at the Porcupine Lodge Board Room and remotely via Zoom Webinar. The agenda/packet materials are now published online at Zoom link: Dial-in: 1-346-248-7799 Meeting ID: 882 5948 4580 …
CBJ offices and facilities will be closed today, Monday, December 2 due to the ongoing winter storm event and poor road conditions. CBJ asks that residents leave roadways clear for snowplow crews and emergency services to the extent possible. Scheduled CBJ Assembly meetings will take place virtually. Zoom links for …
Due to the ongoing snowstorm and potential for additional accumulation overnight, CBJ offices and facilities will open at 11 a.m. on Monday, December 2, dependent on road conditions in the morning. For information about winter maintenance and the CBJ road maintenance priority map, please visit CBJ Winter Maintenance Information. For information …
Most City and Borough of Juneau offices and facilities—including City Hall offices, the Juneau-Douglas City Museum, Zach Gordon Youth Center, Dimond Park Field House, and all Juneau Public Library branches—will be closed Thursday, November 28, and Friday, November 29, in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday. Here’s a rundown of …
The Eaglecrest Board Finance Committee will meet Thursday, November 21 at 12 p.m. remotely via Zoom. Zoom: Meeting ID: 845 2109 2650 Password: 447380 See the complete CBJ public meetings calendar at
With freezing temperatures forecast in the coming days, now is a critical time to take important preventive steps to keep your water pipes from freezing. Water pipes that are not properly insulated or maintained are at risk of freezing and/or bursting—an event that could leave you without running water as …
The Regular Assembly Meeting on Monday, November 18, will include discussion of two items the community has expressed special interest in: a possible Local Improvement District (LID) for the proposed HESCO barrier flood mitigation project, and a request for the State to issue additional restaurant/eating place licenses for Juneau. The …
The Youth Activities Board meeting scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 12 and the Utility Advisory Board meeting scheduled for 5:15 p.m. Thursday, November 14 have been cancelled. The YAB will next meet on Tuesday, December 10. The UAB will next meet on Thursday, December 12. To see the full …
Coeur Mining has donated logs from a recent site clearing project at their Kensington mine to the City and Borough of Juneau to distribute to residents for firewood. Starting Thursday, November 8, CBJ will allow permitted residents to harvest up to 8 cords of wood each, with a maximum of …
Today, November 5, is Election Day for state and federal elections. City Hall is not a state absentee voting or polling place location. Look up your polling place on the State of Alaska website or check the list below: Precinct No. Precinct Name Precinct Location Precinct Address 04-100 DOUGLAS DOUGLAS …