Legislation coming up for Public Hearing at the February 5, 2024 Assembly Meeting (Updated 2/1/2024)
The following items are scheduled for public hearing by the City and Borough of Juneau Alaska Assembly, on the date(s) designated below. The agenda and packet material for the meetings will be posted on the CBJ website at https://juneau-ak.municodemeetings.com/ by close of business the business day prior to the meetings.
The public may participate in-person or via Zoom webinar. Testimony time will be limited by the Mayor based on the number of participants. Members of the public that want to provide oral testimony via remote participation must notify the Municipal Clerk prior to 4pm the day of the meeting by calling 907-586-5278 and indicating the topic(s) upon which they wish to testify. For in-person participation at the meeting, a sign-up sheet will be made available at the back of the Chambers and advance sign-up is not required. Members of the public are encouraged to send their comments in advance of the meeting to [email protected]
Monday, February 5, 2024
7p.m. Regular Assembly Meeting Assembly Chambers/Zoom webinar
https://juneau.zoom.us/j/91515424903 or 1-253-215-8782 Webinar ID: 915 1542 4903
Resolution 3051 A Resolution Petitioning the Alaska State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to Issue up to 20 Additional Restaurant or Eating Place Licenses with the City and Borough of Juneau Under Alaska Statute 04.11.405.
Resolution 3055 A Resolution Partially Opposing the Petition Submitted by the City of Hoonah for Incorporation of the Xunaa Borough and Dissolution of the City of Hoonah. [Added following the 1/29/2024 Assembly COW Meeting.]
Ordinance 2023-14(b)(U) An Ordinance Appropriating $900,000 to the Manager for a Loan to Coogan Alaska, LLC for the Island Hills Building LMN Project; Funding Provided by the Affordable Housing Fund.
Ordinance 2023-14(b)(V) An Ordinance Appropriating $2,250,000 to the Manager for a Loan to Chilkat Vistas, LLC for Chilkat Vistas Apartments; Funding Provided by the Affordable Housing Fund.
Ordinance 2023-14(b)(X) An Ordinance Transferring $800,000 from CIP F22-027 Juneau Police Department Roof Replacement to CIP P44-090 Deferred Building Maintenance.
Ordinance 2023-36(b) An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Foreclosed Property Located at 520 Sixth Street by Sealed Competitive Bid Auction.
ADA accommodations available upon request: Please contact the Clerk’s office 36 hours prior to any meeting so arrangements can be made for closed captioning or sign language interpreter services depending on the meeting format. The Clerk’s office phone number is 586-5278, TDD 586-5351, e-mail: [email protected]
[Clerk’s Note: Original Notice published 1/8/2024; Revised Notice with Res. 3051 added on 1/17/2024; Revised Notice with Res. 3055 added on 2/1/2024.]