Date Issued:2018-03-12 04:28:55
Primary Trend:3
Primary Probability:5
Primary Likelihood:3
Primary Size:2
Primary Description:

As we see this heavy precipitation and warm weather today the deep weak layer in place will again be in question. These are now large slide sizes. Please avoid spending time in avalanche terrain and zones

Secondary Trend:3
Secondary Probability:2
Secondary Likelihood:3
Secondary Description:

With an upside down sno pack... all this heavy wet snow on top of the lighter snows in place will create storm slab concerns. Windload is also a concern in areas with wind effect.

Stay safe out there and avoid avalanche zones for the next day or so until this heavy precip subsides


With the heavy precipitation and warming conditions avalanche danger is high in the Juneau region. Avoid spending time in avalanche terrain.


Remember your beacon probe and shovel don't work without a well trained partner and a rescue plan! And a large number of avalanche facilities are trauma related so terrain management is the key! Stay safe!

Forecaster:Tom Mattice