Valley Transit Center To Open November 7 As New Bus Schedules Go Into Effect
The City and Borough of Juneau is excited to announce the opening of the new Valley Transit Center (VTC) on Mendenhall Mall Road on Monday, November 7. The VTC, a major addition to the Capital Transit system, will serve as a centralized hub for route transfers within the Valley.
Passengers will be able to park in the VTC parking lot and make use of the bus shelters immediately following the November 7 opening. The on-site building is expected to open within the coming weeks.
The opening of the Valley Transit Center has created a valuable opportunity to make long-overdue route updates to ensure reliable and consistent service for our passengers. Time stops in the current schedule are no longer realistic and buses frequently run late, causing passengers to miss transfers or arrive later than expected. These changes—the first updates to the regular schedules in six years—will increase system efficiency and reliability for users.
Capital Transit spent months planning, gathering feedback from riders, hosting open houses, soliciting input from bus drivers, and working with an objective transit planning contractor to update the schedule within our existing budget and staffing. The overwhelming majority (76%) of the 363 bus passengers surveyed prefer a simpler network with more consistent service and reliable transfers to a more complex network with more “specialty” commuter routes. Capital Transit has incorporated this feedback into the updated schedules.
For more information about the VTC facility, contact Alec Venechuk at (907) 586-0800 ext. 4187. For detailed information about the upcoming route changes, visit juneaucapitaltransit.org under the “News” section or call Matt Carpenter at Capital Transit at (907) 789-6901.