Unofficial Election Results Updated October 14, 2022 – Next Step: Canvass Review Board October 17 & 19

CBJ Ballot Processing Center
Preliminary election work is complete in the October 4, 2022 CBJ Regular Municipal Election. Updated unofficial results are posted to the CBJ Elections webpage at These unofficial results include all ballots received and approved for counting with the exception of the Fax/e-ballots.
As of Friday, October 14, 2022, 9,366 ballots have been received for review/approval with 9,046 ballots approved and added to today’s unofficial results update. The remaining ballots, and any additional ballots or cure letter responses that come in the mail between now and certification will be processed during the Canvass Review Board work.
Voters who received a cure letter are asked to please contact the CBJ Election Call Center at 586-5278 option 4 to ensure your ballot is counted. Voters have until 4:30p.m. Monday, October 17 to contact the CBJ Elections Office to cure their ballots so they can be approved for counting by the Canvass Review Board.
The Canvass Review Board begins its work on Monday, October 17 at 10a.m. at the CBJ Ballot Processing Center (BPC) located at 1325 Eastaugh Way (off Thane Road). Space at the BPC is limited but the public who wish to watch the process can do so on the closed circuit camera feeds in the BPC lobby. We would encourage anyone with questions or wishing to observe the work of the Canvass Review Board to contact us at 907-586-5278 option 4 as the times for the Canvass Review Board work may vary depending on workload.
Once the Canvass Review Board completes its work, the Municipal Clerk/Election Official will certify and publish the final election results at Certification may be delayed on a day-to-day basis, up to three days, depending on the workload before the Canvass Review Board.
Please note that CBJ Offices are closed for the Alaska Day Holiday on Tuesday, October 18.
We would like to extend our gratitude to all the voters who participated in this election, those involved with races on the ballot and our CBJ Election Team!